Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Restless Night...

So...another night, tossing around in bed and still can't fall asleep. Not that I'm not tired - I slept three hours last night and I had a full productive day today - I just can't sleep. One can only watch so many reruns of The Nanny.
Anyway, my boss gave me an assignment today, well yesterday, and I'm slightly stumped. I'm supposed to come up with an inspiration collage/board for a Midtown loft summer wedding and my colour palette is white, purple, silver and gold. Now, if this were just an assignment to create an invitation, I'd be fine - chose some papers, ink colour and an embellishment or two - done deal and I'd be proud. But an entire freaking wedding, with a theme, food, decor, clothes, accessories with those colours - no wonder I can't fall asleep. I did my first inspiration board and it wasn't so bad, but why is this one so different. So I've given up - until the morning at least - but these are the two renderings I've come up with this far. Hopefully, I'm more inspired in the morning.
P.S.: Family Matters just started!

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